Common QA problem: Steel corrosion causing finished surface blowouts

steel corrosion windows

Two recent apartment refurbishment projects we have worked on have had steel corrosion as the cause of finished surfaces blowing out.

  1. Steel lintels corroding inside block-work cause oxidization within the mortar resulting in expansion and eventual cracking.
  2. Treatment to the exposed underside of a lintel is very different to the embedded section of the lintel within the blockwork, which will require grinding back of rust, drill test of depth of corrosion and a 3 x coat specialist system including a mortar product. The specialist system seeps back through the mortar coating the lintel surfaces.
  3. Steel balustrade bases which start to corrode can cause tiling laid over the top to crack and buckle.
  4. Exposure of the surface, grinding back of rust and a 3 x coat treatment system is required before re-laying of tiles.

If you need technical advisory assistance to bring the right experts onto your project, contact Director Manuela Marasco at Ceschino Pty Ltd